Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Videos! (Finally)

So, here are some videos (finally) of Mr. Colby.

Wow - that was a lot! But now that I know how to post them on here correctly, there will be more coming!


Friday, May 20, 2011

4 months old update!

4 months old!

Colby is 4 months old!

Height: 26 inches (86th percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs 12 oz (69th percentile)

New things he does:

Rolls over from back to belly. He's done it about 10 times, we have YET to capture it on video camera. He did it once when he went down for a nap in his crib and he looked SO surprised! After about 30 minutes of him trying to get back on his back, we gave in and flipped him as he started SCREAMING from frustration

Squeals. He has always done this but now it is loud. It sounds sometimes like we live in a bird emporium, like tons of canaries.
Giggles. We love it. He has to be in a certain mood, but it is heartwarming when he does!

Grabs toys. He loves his crinkle book the best, followed by Sophie the giraffe and his little plastic keys. He also loves books.

He loves his jumper/exersaucer. He doesn't quite get the bouncing up and down yet but he sure loves the toys and music!

He puts EVERYTHING in his mouth. Everything. Still drooling. :)

He can hold his head up amazingly. Since he is so darn big, we usually don't take the infant car seat out to stores anymore, we take him out of the carseat and carry him on our hips - he LOVES to look around and flirt with everyone he meets. Recently, he started grabbing things on shelves (and mommy has to pick them up). I even got a giggle out of him when he did that the other day.

Kicks his soother on all night. He moves in circles in his crib during naps and at night, ends up in various corners and kicks the "on" button on his soother ALL NIGHT! We will be sleeping in silence and hear the soother turn on and off, music, womb noises, ocean waves...so funny. (we are going to be poor due to the battery usage though)...

The soother (by his feet) he kicks all the time. :) So hot he napped in just a diaper.
Funny thing about the soother kicking is that at the doc's office, when he was getting weighed, the reading display was just about where his soother is in his crib, so he kept kicking it over and over wondering why it wasn't turning on. All the nurses and our doctor kept remarking about how smart he was for knowing that!

Sleeps through the night! He has been for a while, but it's every night now! He goes to sleep around 9:30 (we are working towards earlier...) and wakes up between 7:00 am and 8:00 am. He then eats, plays for an hour, and naps for an hour/hour and a half, almost like clockwork until about 5:00 when he stays up until bed time! He is such a great baby!

 Just started Rice Cereal. Not a fan yet. We will try every night until he "gets" it. Doctor said we can start it because a) he is a big baby b)get him used to the texture and eating sitting up as well and c)to keep him from "waking" in the middle of the night -- usually he just wants a diaper change, not to eat, but this might keep him content longer.

Yeah, not a fan of Rice Cereal yet. Mommy and Daddy will work on it. :)
What we can't wait for:
The pool to open! The pool opens NEXT weekend! We can not wait. He love love loves the bath, and his baby pool. Now we just can't wait to use our baby float and swimmy diapers!

Gramma and Papa Dan (Bre's Mom and Papa Dan) are coming for Memorial Day Weekend! YAY!

Baby food. Yes, I know, messy...but we can't wait! We have our baby-food maker ready!

Summer. Besides the 90 degree weather, I just can't wait for sun! (it has been raining here for like 2 weeks)
Proud Daddy

Proud Mommy

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My very first Mother's day!

What an amazing first Mother's day!

Just thinking about it, last year, I didn't technically "know" I was a mom yet on Mother's day! We had an inkling, and the dogs were acting way funny, so we thought...maybe! But it was in fact a year ago TODAY we found out we were going to be parents! What an amazing day that was! I remember Matt was so happy he told me to get dressed up and take me to my favorite (actually the only one I like) fancy restaurant for dinner. Only, we got there, and I couldn't eat about 90% of the menu after finding out we had a little bun in the oven :) And we sent the sommolier away with the wine, and actually had to ask the chef to prepare a vegetarian entree for me (the meat/seafood on the menu that night was of course either raw, undercooked, unpasteurized), but needless to say we toasted with seltzer and I thoroughly enjoyed my pea puree ravioli. Amazing that I can remember that!? And...about a week later the morning sickness started, as did my ginger ale and saltine diet. Is it weird that part of me misses that? (You can roll your eyes now)

Anyway, My mother's day this year was amazing. Matt cooked me breakfast in bed before Colby woke up, Colby hand delivered my card (I cried) and gift of a nice pedicure and massage. I can't WAIT for time to get that!

We also decided to just go sit by the lake and lay under a tree in the nice weather and look for turtles. Colby had an amazing nap outside, and thought the tree was the coolest "mobile" ever! What an amazing day! Looking forward to many more Mother's days!