Monday, January 31, 2011

Quick Update - the Labor/Delivery story!

Hi all!

Everyone is asking for the story of Colby's birthday - well here goes. We had scheduled a C-section for his due date, January 20th, 2011 due to his size and the risk of shoulder dystocia and prepared for it!

On January 19th, 2011 (I should add that Jan 19 is a full moon!) at 3:00 a.m., I started having weird pains (I thought it was gas haha) in bed and they were coming every 15 minutes. I was able to sleep through most of them and at 5:30 when Matt's alarm went off for work, I said..."Honey, keep your phone close to you, I'm having weird pains". Matt took the dogs out, got ready for work, I decided to get up and waddle to the bathroom to brush my teeth and start my work day. After the trip to the bathroom, I knew the "pains" I was feeling were contractions. We scheduled a doctor's visit for 8:30 when they opened because my OB wanted to see if it was just the false contractions or real ones...

Contracting on the couch before the Drs office opened! The dogs know what's up!

Well, Matt and I had a feeling Colby would be picking his bday and not us, so he packed the car, we got the dogs ready to be picked up by family...

Matt - all ready for the O.R.
And at 8:30, the doctor did her check of me, and said "Oh, yup, you're 3 cm dilated alread, you are definitely in labor...we need to get you to the hospital and have the baby!". So, at 10:00 am, we were admitted to the hospital, and met the on-call doctor. He was great. My contractions were about 5 mins apart at this point, and turns out it was "back labor" due to the baby's position in my uterus, the pain was being localized in my lower back. AND IT HURT! A LOT! The contraction meter said that they were very strong, and getting closer together, so after the doctor checked me (about 4cm dilated) baby's position had moved UP (probably due to his size and my pelvis). So, they prepped me for the c-section (our doctor after the check said that his position and my strong contractions would probably only yield a 30% chance of "regular" delivery, so we went ahead with the c-section. At 1:00, I was given my spinal epidural in my back (that was fun to do between contractions!) - then Matt was allowed into the O.R., and well, Colby came into the world!
The booties did not fit over his size 18 shoes, so they had him use 2 hairnets on each shoe instead. Best icebreaker ever before going in for surgery :)

At 1:12 pm, Colby James Bogert came into the world! He came out screaming crying and sucking on his hands!! The doctors said "woah he's a big boy!" and we heard all of the docs and helpers guessing his size. I said 9lbs 8oz and he was 9lbs 7oz, 21 inches, head 14.6 inches around. I can remember the nurse weighing him say "Yeah, this wasn't coming out the other way...maybe as a 3rd or 4th kid" haha :) He was a big healthy boy! After 3 days recovering in the hospital, we all came home on January 22nd! More pics to come!!

Mommy meets her little punkin for the first time!

The Bogert family.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Colby James has arrived!

Colby James arrived January 19, 2011 at 1:12 pm via c-section

He was 9lbs 7 oz, 21 inches at birth :) Head was 14.6 inches around!

He and Mommy doing great!

Here are a few pics to whet your appetite!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Countdown! 5 days!

Five days til his due date!

Here is our countdown of 5 things we can't wait to do with Colby!

5. See how much he weighs and how long he is
4. Nurse him (Bre not Matt)
3. See whose little nose, lips, hair he has!
2. Introduce him to the family and Humphrey and Mocha!
1. Hold him and Kiss him finally!!!

-Bre and Matt

Monday, January 10, 2011

Funny Pregnancy Moments from The Bogerts

Matt and I decided that so many funny things have happened over the past 9 months (yes, count them, I am officially 9 months pregnant, 10 days til due date!) that we wanted to share them on here. We decided to write them together, so we don't forget all of the funny (and sometimes not funny then, but funny NOW) things we went through!

First Trimester
Before we "knew", taking a cheapo pregnancy test (we saved all the "good" ones for when we were really wondering) and standing in the kitchen for like an hour debating whether or not we were actually seeing the faint blue line or if we were imagining it...then going to bed.

The next day after Matt left for work, I (Bre) took the "good" expensive tests (the digital ones) and got two very clear PREGNANT's on them, then proceeded to take about 6 more regular pregnancy tests. Remember women, there is NO such thing as a false positive. I could have stopped at one! -Bre

How did I find out? (This is Matt)...Well, Bre wrapped up all the little tests in a shoebox and had bought some of my favorite bbq sauce that we never seem to find and put them in there too - made me open it when I got home from work and there were a bunch of sauces and under them was a clear "PREGNANT" test tied up with a bow. I remember saying..."what? Are you serious!!!?". I guess we did see a tiny faint line the night before! -Matt

Oh man, when we totally gave in to the hype of friends and acquaintances and went to Walgreens and bought "Intelligender" the pee-test you take, shake, and look for the color change. Orange means GIRL, green means BOY. Obviously, this was a waste of money :)

Hmm, morning sickness from beginning to 14 weeks, not a great memory, but definitely a funny one at times. Let's just say, I found traveling the metro to work VERY challenging, knew the best (and most hidden) trash cans in metro stations, and found a new use for the dog poo bags we have in our cars and attached to the leashes. The things you learn when life must go on in the first trimester!-Bre

Speaking of morning sickness, we hit 12 weeks (the supposed "end" to when hormones cause the morning sickness), I decided to take bre to a fancy restaurant to celebrate. I ordered steak, some wine, Bre got some chicken (unfortunately, fancy meant that everything Bre wanted was either served partially raw, unpasteurized, etc, which Bre can't have during pregnancy). We were so excited. Some waiter passed us with a plate of salmon and...Bre made a bee-line for the door. I hurried up and doggie bagged Bre's meal, finished my glass of wine, ate some of the steak, and poor Bre made a friend with a trash can in the pouring rain. We realized then that Morning Sickness was not gone at the "magical" 12-week milestone. -Matt

Second Trimester
This is definitely one of my favorite pregnancy moments ever. For our 19 week (anatomy/gender scan) ultrasound, we were so excited to see boy/girl and see how baby B. was doing! The way these ultrasounds work with our insurance co, is that they do the ultrasound with the screen toward the tech, and Dad can stand behind and watch. Once they get all their measurements they need for the radiologist, then they have fun and show mom the screen and look for boy/girl. Well, I listened to Matt tell me about his cute little face and hands, and then this happened:
Matt: I see his teeth!

Bre: What? He is not supposed to have teeth!!?

U/S tech: No, sir, that's his spine, we are looking at the baby's back

Bre: He has teeth on his back!?


It was hysterical. Then we found out it was a boy. It was a great day.

During an appt. around 15 weeks, one of Bre's doctors just wanted to get a peek at our little one and get his heart rate, so we did. I talked to her belly and said to him/her hey there buddy and he literally fist-bumped our way. It looked like it was coming at me, I can't wait to fist-bump him when he's older and tell him the story. -Matt

Feeling the baby kick was pretty funny, well, I should say NOT feeling him. Bre started feeling him at 17 weeks, and then she could feel stronger ones around 22 weeks that I could feel. Yet every time she would say "Matt, come here, feel him!", he would stop. Like automatically. I could see him kick, but as soon as I put my hand there, he would stop. Luckily as he got bigger, I could feel him all the time. He even kicks back as soon as I tap his foot.

Third Trimester
Getting adjusted to the huge tummy and new body is not an easy one. All I wanted to try to do was clean the windowsill low down. I squatted, immediately rolled back on my butt, then my back. I looked like a turtle stuck on my back. Matt and the dogs got a kick out of it though :) -Bre

Realizing I can't tie my shoes anymore. Having to say "Maaattt, can you help me"--pretty embarrassing. -Bre

Dealing with a billion people thinking pregnant tummies are public property. Christmas eve, shopping in Walmart was the worst. Everyone asking me "Christmas baby? Tax break baby? Twins? Will your water break in the store hehehe?"--oh man the list goes on. The funny part is all the answers I was coming up with in my head: "No, It's septuplets, I just got the positive test!, I'm not pregnant, what are you talking about?, Can I touch your belly if you get to rub mine without asking?, oh the list was so long. Just wanted to see what they would say and watch them squirm. :) -Bre

Bre not being able to drive was pretty funny. It was sometime in December when her short legs could no longer reach the pedals in either car, and her belly was too big, it hit the steering wheel way too much. She hates asking for help, but now she has no choice! -Matt

Humphrey and the belly. Mocha knew from day one of the pregnancy, she follows Bre, protects her, and watches her every move. Humphrey had no clue of the fuss. All of a sudden, December hit (around 34 weeks) and he sees the belly and totally gets it. (typical man). He won't leave her belly alone and always has to be sleeping on it, near it, around it. The dogs are so funny with her. -Matt

Oh my gosh, in our childbirth class, having to sit in the front row (always late), conveniently where the instructor sits all the fake-but-real-looking babies sitting up on the table. The two of us could not stop looking at this one baby who seemed to be STARING at us, finally, eventually, the lactation consultant moved him. It was like the chuckie doll to us - and we could not stop laughing, we felt like we were back in middle school.

Also, during "breathing practice" in class, they sat us in between two rather "fragrant" couples (not the kind of smelly that is ok to be around, this was awful) The teacher kept telling me to breathe deep through my nose and I just couldn't. I did my best to simultaneously pretend to breathe and not crack up with Matt giggling behind me. Needless to say, we practiced breathing at home instead. -Bre

Last, but not least, I think that right now (almost 39 weeks), we are just laughing at all the stuff we are trying (proven and definitely silly wives tales) trying to get Colby out! No jumping jacks, though, I don't think I can even jump at this point haha. -Bre

Hope these made you laugh. This has been such a joyful pregnancy, we certainly have had our share of laughs among all the awkward changes that happen!

-Bre and Matt


Thursday, January 6, 2011

38 weeks!

2 more weeks til the due date!
Baby can come at any time!

Had the weekly appointment today! Since he can come at any minute, we were excited to see his progress (and my body's progress) getting ready for birth.

For those that understand what these terms mean, 0 cm dialated, 40%effaced, and baby is low for this stage at the -2 station (which explains the really bad pressure I feel when walking). We still got a ways to go! But, as everyone has said, and as the doctor tells us, I could be 0 dialated today and go into labor later tonight, or be 3cm dialated for weeks before labor begins, so it really tells us not-so-much right now. The station he is in is good, she said, though, because he is definitely low low low.

For now, we can just do all the old wives' tales and try to get my body ready for labor! We plan on walking a ton this weekend and move this baby outta here! :)

Next week, we are going to our next weekly appointment and also another ultrasound to get measurements of his shoulders and stomach and head again, just so the doctors can see what the size is AGAIN to see what we're working with. We talked more about the possibility of a c-section. They will let me labor and try, as doctor's have no idea until active labor what a mom's body is capable of, and if nothing happens and basically, if Colby's head or shoulders aren't going to fit, they will whisk me away to get a c-section. At least I will get to try! Hopefully my small frame is capable of this.

If labor does not begin before January 20th (due date), then we have a scheduled induction for January 27th (one week past the due date). The doctors scheduled it already because hospitals around us are always jam-packed, so we can just cancel it if he comes before then (haha like dinner reservations!) We all think he will come before then, (we better hope so because I will be one grumpy pregnant lady going 3 more weeks!).

But we are so thankful that this pregnancy has been so great, and that everything has been going so wonderfully. We are so blessed! Say a little prayer for us as we enter this last (exciting, nerve-wracking, surprising) couple days/weeks!

-Bre and Matt

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Guess the WEIGHT-and-DATE for Baby Bogert's arrival!!

First of all, Happy New Year! Happy 2011! This is going to be a GREAT year!

**It's time now for the Guess-the-weight-and-date game!! It's not so much a game as just something fun to bide the time until Colby decides to enter our lives! **

(thanks to mommynature for the image)

Here are some facts before you guess:

1) Statistics show that first babies are born on or after the due date, especially boys, who like to "hang out" a little longer
2) Having said that, there has always been a discrepancy in our due date. Jan. 12th seems the most accurate and was the due date for quite a while, yet Jan. 20th has remained the official one (according to medical records) (and due dates are rarely changed in late pregnancy even if they should be).
3) At birth, Matt was 11 lbs 1oz. (but he was 5 weeks past the due date). Statistically, had be been born on his due date, he would have been 9-9.5 lbs.
4) At birth (and around due date) - Bre was 7lbs.8oz. (average size for babies)
5) At our last ultrasound (36 weeks) - Colby was measuring 7lbs4oz (+/- 1lb for error). (I am 37/38 weeks now).
6) Babies gain 8oz (1/2 lb) a week from now until delivery. Some babies more.
7) Average weight for baby boys in the U.S. in the 2000's is: 7.5lbs (7lbs.8oz)

So---now that 2011 has arrived and there are 19 days left until Colby's OFFICIAL due date, let the guessing begin!

Just click on " # comments" below and add your guess! We can't wait to see what everyone guesses! Guess the weight and date! (Guess a time range if you want to, or don't if you don't!)

Example guess:
January 2nd, 8lbs10oz., (5:00-10:00 a.m[optional]) below on "comments" and add your name and let the guessing begin!!!

-Bre and Matt