Sunday, August 29, 2010

Baby Boy Bogert measuring big, due date moved up...halfway done!

So, Baby Bogert is measuring in the 77th percentile (no surprise given who dad is) and is also measuring about 4 days ahead of schedule. So the official due date is still 1/20/11, but the last ultrasound showed that January 16th is more practical.

They don't change the official due date unless it varies by 9 days or more, and since this is only 4 days, it will not change on my charts. However, doc said that that just means we prepare mentally for 1/16/11 and be aware that it might be around then give or take some days.

Also, we discussed baby's birth size and what she said was pretty interesting. Babies generally follow Mom's birth size, but take into account dad's birth size, just in a smaller percentage. She plugged my birth weight (7lbs 8 ounces) and Matt's birth size (11lbs 1 oz. - but she had to scale his down to what he would have been had be not been a month late - so, 9.5 lb.), and did all these crazy calculations, added 1/2 lb. for it being a boy...and said that I am looking around a 9 pounder. We will see in a couple of months, won't we?!

She also said that our one ultrasound picture (below) from the anatomy/gender scan  the other day was one of the best shots she has seen.

So, according to the new tentative due date, I am 20 weeks today - HALFWAY DONE! 140 days done, and 140 to go!

We have been busy with washing baby clothes so I can put them into the dresser/changing table (big shout out to my great friend Meg for helping remove tags and put clothes into piles! It was fun saying "awwww" over and over again with her!) Matt's been busy painting the baby's room so that we can finally start it as a nursery and not a room filled with baby stuff all over! (Pictures to come soon enough!) I'm up to my ears in craft ideas now that I know it's a boy!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

19 Weeks update!

How far along: 19 weeks! Almost halfway!
Symptoms: Extreme Hunger! Wakes me up sometimes at 4:00 am. Crazy feeling...Weird tingly legs and also very vivid dreams and nightmares!

Maternity Clothes: Need more of them!

Stretch Marks: None too bad yet.

Sleep: I am sleeping well, just interrupted a lot to get up to go to the bathroom and also to wake up from my intense dreams and nightmares. Talk about vivid! My heart is beating so fast sometimes when I wake up I have to meditate a little to fall back asleep!

Best Moment Last Week: Finding out we are having a BOY!

Movement: Here and there! :)

Food Cravings: Everything besides meat...nothing too specific this week! Actually, I take that back, now I want a BLT on a plain toasted bagel with a tiny bit of mayo - anyone want to bring one to me? :)

What I miss: Sleeping on my back! Oh how I miss it! I know it's not good for me or baby to do so, so I don't, but I miss it!!!

What am I looking forward to: Getting some baby boy gear! We got the bedding and Matt got some boy clothes last we are off to get some paint and some crafts for me to work on!!

Milestones: Knowing what we are having is wonderful. I love calling him my the name we chose and I love calling him "little boy" or baby boy :)

How is Daddy? : You should have seen his face when he found out it was a boy! He could not stop grinning. (one-because he could rub it in that I was so certain it was a girl and was wrong...and two-it's a boy! What Dad doesn't want a boy!?). He is just on cloud 9 right now. We can't wait until the winter!
have a good one!
-Bre and Matt and Baby Boy Bogert

In January...we're going to be having a ..........?

Well, we found out! We are having a...


 He was not shy at all either, showed us several times what he was! We will have some neat ultrasound pictures to follow!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Weekly-ish updates

I found this from a fellow blogger (several, actually) and think it's a great idea to keep people in the loop as to how "Mom and Dad" are feeling, what's happening with the baby, etc...Here goes!

How far along: 18th week!!

Symptoms: Nothing bad. I'm glad all the main morning sickness is gone, now nausea only happens when I smell oriental food of any kind and public restrooms for some reason. They never bothered me before! And hunger, an intense hunger I've never felt before...when waking up...afternoon...night...hunger! My sister warned me but I didn't think it would be like this! Two breakfasts? Ok! :)

Maternity Clothes: Yes! I got some of my sister's stuff from when she had her son, so that will help in the coming month or so. I have a staple number of "maternity" outfits I mix and match since it's summer, I will get more use out of pants and things once fall finally hits! It seems I definitely "popped" between 16 and 18 weeks. I have a very obvious "baby bump" now! Can't wait for it to get bigger!

Stretch Marks: Nope...I've started using lotion on my belly every day so hopefully that will keep them away, but none as of yet!

Sleep: I sleep pretty well. (Umm with the exception of having to pee about 3-4 times a night, I'm getting pretty good at not waking matt or the dogs) My dreams are vivid (as I've been told happens during pregnancy) and I often wake up wondering if they were real. We gave in and bought me a "boppy" pregnancy pillow to help me sleep on my sides (no sleeping on my back anymore because doc and books say it is a pregnancy "NO NO"..and it's uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach at this time). Sleeping well, not as exhausted when I get up, but insatiably hungry as soon as the alarm goes off!

Best Moment Last Week: Feeling more of the baby movements, and also working with Matt on the "baby bogert Ipod playlist" for when the Belly-sonic speaker set comes soon!) Such a cool gift!

Movement: Yes! Ever since the baby flutters I felt a week ago, it has really been obvious when I feel Baby B wiggling around in there! It seems the little one is active after I eat and also when I lie still in bed at the end of the night! Can't wait for Matt to be able to feel them eventually :)

Food Cravings: Citrus (since day one of the pregnancy), artichokes (I've always loved them but I want them several days a week now), hash browns (yes, they are my guilty pleasure), Root beer floats, anything with tomatoes, and Candy. I never have really cared for candy, but lately I've really wanted a mentos or lollipop every once and a while!

What I miss:  Wine and Turkey Subs. Ever since doc told me no coldcuts, I've wanted a turkey sub with vinegar, mayo, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and swiss cheese. Specific enough? Also, living in VA wine country during the summer months seems pretty bad when I can't enjoy a tasting here or there. :) Oh well, in the winter it will be all worth it!

What am I looking forward to: Our next ultrasound...of course!! Our next one is August 25th, I'll be 19 weeks and we are going to see if it's a boy or girl!!! YAY

Milestones: I am worrying less. This trimester really is a fun one. I am growing but not immobile yet. :) Also, we registered at Babies R Us for the baby! We did about 90% of it, mostly neutral so we can use it for future little one (s) and we will finish with gender-specific stuff next week! Also, entering the 5th month of pregnancy! It is flying by!

How is Daddy? Oh my gosh - so excited! He is just as excited as I am and can't wait to know what we are having. He also can't wait to start painting for the baby room and put together some of the furniture we bought! He is having fun talking to the baby every night before we go to bed. He also has daily chats with the dogs about the baby and how they need to behave in January. So cute!

18 weeks! Into "the 5th month" of pregnancy

First of all, Pregnancy is not 9 months, it's closer to ten. I am 18 weeks now (40 weeks is the length of pregnancy) so, almost halfway there!

Second of all, only one week until we have the anatomy ultrasound and HOPEFULLY see if Baby Bogert is a HE or a SHE! This week better fly by, we are on the edge of our seats!

In the 18th week of pregnancy...some things happening with the baby are:

Baby Bogert is 6 inches long already and weigh more than 7 ounces! (the avg. weight of an extra large apple)

Baby B is moving all around and practices reflexes

Baby B can sense bright light - if you hold a flashlight directly to the belly, the baby will instinctively move it's arms to cover his/her eyes

Baby can now hear noises outside the womb. He/She can easily hear mom's voice and loud noises (eh hem...Humphrey's bark?)

Baby's "boy/girl parts" are formed now and distinguishable by ultrasound!! Soon!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Baby Flutters!!!

Baby Bogert's on the move!

So today, after I ate lunch and was sitting quietly at my work desk here in D.C. I suddenly felt like a bug was running across my stomach really fast. Followed by a sensation of popcorn popping and being tickled.

It was Baby Bogert! He/She was moving around! And right after I ate! So, I said to Matt "It's definitely yours, it loves food!"

Just wanted to share - it was really amazing! Wow. What a great day!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Why I think we're having a girl (Bre's side of the story) husband beat me to this post! I think he has a strong case! I did dream about baby boys...but let me tell you why I think we're having a girl...

First off, 99.9% of my reasoning is strictly intuition-based. I have had an intuition since about 7 weeks pregnant that I was carrying a girl (Coincidentally, when Morning Sickness kicked in!)

Since then, my feelings have only gotten stronger!

1) Morning sickness, which Matt covered below...
(here is an article we were sent to read, very interesting about morning sickness and baby girls!)

2) Old wives tales...mostly fantasy but one day Matt convinced me to try a bunch of them...

- A needle on a string held over my belly moves back and forth, not in circles, which indicates a girl
- I have never had any acne, and all of a sudden do, which indicates a girl (stealing mom's looks)
- Dad is not gaining weight, indicating it's a girl (Matt is losing at my gaining rate thanks to his job!)
- Craving sweets and fruit, indicates girl
-Hair is not as shiny as before, indicates girl
-The Chinese Gender Predictor indicates girl
- Babies heart rate has always been over 140 (indicates girl)
- When Matt asks me to show him my hands, I show him palms up, indicates girl

Old Wives Tales are a big ridiculous but it will be funny to see if they were "right" haha.
They were fun for us to try

3) I just "feel" like it's a girl. I can't explain that anymore. Just the intuition again.

We will see in 3 weeks, won't we! I just wanted to write all of them down so I don't ever forget thinking this!

Here are some sites for your enjoyment!


Why I THINK we're having a boy (Matt's side of the story)

I told Bre it might be fun to explain why we both think we're so sure of what we're having. I can say, that my wife is a lot more certain that it's a girl than I am that it is a boy!

I would say, I'm about 70% leaning toward boy and 30% leaning toward girl!

(I figured if I am right, this would be the best way to say..."Ha! I told you!" and have proof for Bre, haha.

My reasoning:

When we first found out Bre and I were expecting, before anyone else knew, she had about 3 dreams about little baby boys...and I've read in my "expecting dad" book that dreams are very telling in pregnant women...

Then the morning sickness kicked in hardcore and the doc did say to us that a lot of times women who carry little girls have more morning sickness than those carrying boys because of the hormones baby girl makes and the hormones mom is producing. So...then I thought girl. Also, the morning sickness (for Bre, mostly night time) continued and is still continuing way past the end of the first trimester, which also happens for a bunch of women carrying girls. Many say that is a myth, but it was cool, our doctor actually emailed me some studies that prove this.

Also, doc said that what Bre's mother felt during pregnancy was also indicative of what she could possibly be carrying. Bre's mother remembers being much sicker with Bre than with her brother Josh. She shared some funny stories with us that made Bre feel much less ridiculous about having to dine and dash from restaurants because her nausea was acting up.

However, Bre has still dreamt about baby boys and the in one dream, the sonographer vividly tells us there is a baby boy on the screen, so then I'm back to boy. (in a dream, not real life)

Also, the baby totally fist bumped the screen during the last ultrasound, and that has to be a little Bogert boy, or I guess a pretty cool girl.

You can sense my confusion, I guess we will see in about 3 weeks what we are having, I can't wait to know. We have everything all planned out and can't wait to start it. I can't wait to call it "he" or "she" or by his/her name and not "it".

So...that's why I am 70% boy and 30% girl.

Bre said she will post hers later.
