Wednesday, December 29, 2010

37 weeks!

Today I am 37 weeks (according to the Jan. 20th due date)!!! I think I'm further along, but that doesn't matter now, because baby Bogert is considered FULL-TERM regardless! We've been counting down the days until 37 weeks, and it is finally here!

Doctors and OB's consider babies to be "full-term" from 37 weeks on (37-42 wks) (and I've been reassured they won't let me go well beyond the due date on the 20th, they would induce me if he wants to hang tight too much longer). Based on his weight estimate and the measurements they are getting, he is most likely around 8lbs right now (average baby at this stage is about 6.5lbs) and about 20 inches long (average babies length at birth is 20 in.). It is clear to everyone that there is not much more room in there for him! His kicks are SO strong, when they get my ribs, it is very painful but usually, I can push on his feet to get him to move a teeny bit.

We have our weekly appt. tomorrow, and she will check me for the first time to see if there is any progress (dilation, effacement) etc.! Depending on that, we may have an idea if labor is close or not!

Either way, the OB has told us to pack our bags this weekend to be ready at this point. So far, I've packed a pair of slippers, a book, baby Bogert's going-home outfit, Matt's 5-hour energy stuff (in case labor is long and he needs a pick me up) and nursing tank tops. I've got a long way to go in packing!

Well, that is our update! I will update the blog tomorrow night after the appt. and let everyone know!! This weekend, I'm going to add a "guess-the-weight-and-date" game to the blog!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

36 week ultrasound - he is growing great!! & Christmas 2010!

Well, we had our 36-week ultrasound on the 23rd! Our doctor wanted to do one to see about the 2-week due date discrepancy (I am always measuring about 2 weeks ahead and so is baby, which would make sense since our original due date was Jan. 12th instead of the 20th). And, she wanted to make sure he was head down, not breach.

Results - He is definitely head down, has been for one month about. His big honkin' feet are definitely in my ribs :). He is all cramped into a cute little ball and DEFINITELY running out of room. It is amazing what they can measure in these ultrasounds!

His head circumference is measuring at 13 inches. (Average at birth is 13-15 inches). His femur bone (how they measure length) is measuring in the 95th%. His weight (+/- 1 lb in either direction) is measuring at 7lb 4 oz right now (average at 36 weeks is 6lbs). Since babies gain 1/2lb a week from now until delivery, if the weight is accurate, we would be expecting a 9-9.5pounder (if he does 4 more weeks). But taking all these measurements into consideration, the calculations show the doctors that he is for sure measuring at 38 weeks  instead of 36 (hence 2 weeks ahead). So...who knows, he may be coming earlier (as we expected!).

He is doing well, moving around a lot, wiggling in the belly in whatever way he can right now!! Here is a cute picture of the ultrasound of his cute little nose and lips!!!


We had a wonderful Christmas, just Matt and I and the dogs, it was so nice. We relaxed, cooked our traditional Capn' crunch french toast (on my new griddle - thanks honey!) and opened gifts shortly. Now the Ham and Turkey is in the oven and we're just relaxing with the pups...expecting a little snowfall tonight/tomorrow!! Let it snow!

Here are some cute pictures we took last night before we headed to Christmas Eve service! Enjoy!!

Humphrey loves my belly (he has just NOW figured out that I am pregnant)
Also - his new sweatshirt (a 2t sweatshirt fro 3.00 from the store, he shivers outside!)

26 days til the due date

So precious.

Colby was kicking him too. haha.

Again, Humphrey on the belly.

Humphrey, his sweatshirt, resting on daddy.

Mocha thinking..."When is Colby going to be here??!"


-Bre and Matt

Thursday, December 16, 2010

35/36 weeks!

Hi all! Today I am 35 weeks along (according to the Jan. 20 2011 due date) but am measuring 8 days ahead. Those of you who follow the blog have read over and over again that both baby Colby and mom have been measuring 8 days ahead consistently since the second trimester, meaning that the due dates are most likely off a little bit. My original due date was Jan. 12, 2011 (ha, 8 days ahead! Told them that was the right date, after all, Mom and Dad know SOME things!) so we are all preparing for him to arrive around that would mean I would be 36 weeks 1 day today! Either way - we will most likely have a little boy added to our lives within a MONTH!!!

Proud daddy-to-be-Matt and Bre at our Baby Shower - 33 weeks
(Is there really much more room to grow!!?)

The holidays here are making this last month fly by! Matt and I are excited just to hunker down for Christmas this year, I'm cooking an awesome Trader Joe's ham and a turkey Matt got from his company as a gift, and trying some new recipes...can't wait. All of my presents for the doggies and Matt are wrapped and under the tree, stockings are hung, and we are looking forward to a quiet holiday! Next  year we'll have a possible walker or definite crawler in the house enjoying his first Christmas! So crazy!

Happy Holidays from the Bogerts!

Baby is head down (has been since week 33), and is definitely kicking and punching me all day long. I can imagine he is thinking "boy it's comfy in here...but maybe getting a little too cramped!". In the last ultrasound, he was practice breathing, we got to see his lungs move up and down (but no air, obviously) and watch his chest rising and falling -- the doctors were happy to see this, usually means they are further along than we think (eh hem, we definitely think he is coming earlier than the 20th!) That was awesome to see. 

Lately, we've become well aware of things that Colby responds to and seems to like:

1.) When the dogs rest their head on my belly, he can definitely sense the different pressure from my hands and kicks the doggies.

2.) Humphrey's bark -obviously the loudest thing besides a passing train whistle. When the mailman comes, Humphrey lets the whole neighborhood know with his hound bay and colby kicks and wiggles.

3.) Matt's voice - he wiggles and kicks when Matt talks to my belly

Matt (far right) and some buddies at our December shower
4.) Mom singing - usually these days it's Christmas songs and goofy kid songs, but he kicks up a storm.

5.) The Beatles!- Seriously, he heard the Christmas "war is over" song, then "Hey Jude" on various tv shows this past month and he really goes wild. Interesting. His Grampa Jim (my dad) loved the Beatles, and seems like this little boy might too!

Now, we go to the doctor every week until delivery, so weird to schedule all those appointments yesterday! We have done our breathing childbirth class last weekend, and have one more class next week to learn newborn basics and meet some pediatricians in our practice. Next week, we also have the last ultrasound to get his positioning, head circumference, approximate weight, and fluid level in my belly. All that info will help our doctor determine what the "game plan" is for our little one, as far as possible early induction! Ah! Will keep you posted :)

Here are some pictures as we close this post of our amazing shower hosted by my sister and my mother a couple weeks ago here in VA! Colby got some awesome new stuff and is so ready for almost anything now! We can't stress how blessed we feel!!!

Homemade favors with Colbys monogram

make-your-own-onesies they had set up

Best friend Amanda and I  :)

My brother and sister! :) (me in the middle)

Jess feeling Colby kick away

Such a cute idea from my sister - life advice for Colby using the letters in his name!

What we made from the advice cards - hanging in Colby's nursery!

Until next post

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Count down to Baby Bogert!

Well hello everbody this is Matt.  I hope that everyone has enjoyed their Thanksgiving week.  I know it's been a while since I have been on here, but everything is going great.  Only 50 days left till our little bundle of joy arrives!!  These past 8 months have gone by so fast, but we have gotten a lot accomplished.  The babies room is all set up and ready for him.  We almost have everything that we need, and hopefully will be getting the rest of the things we need this coming weekend at our baby shower.  It will also be great to see all of our family and friends.  It's great that everybody we know and love wants to help get us ready to bring a new life into this world.  I'm so happy and excited, and can't wait until he gets here.  January 20 can't get here soon enough for me, and I'm pretty sure that Bre feels the same way.  Well I know it's short, but I will talk to you all again soon.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

30 weeks! 10 weeks to go...

Hi everyone! I can't believe that we are 10 weeks away (roughly) from meeting our son! I rememher how quickly the first 10 weeks flew by, I can only imagine how fast these last ones will go, especially with My birthday (Nov 16!) Thanksgiving, Our baby shower, Christmas, and New Years coming up, this season will fly by!

Hmmm...things to update.

1. No gestational diabetes. Had my glucose tolerance test at 27 weeks, numbers were fine, no gestational diabetes (that drink was disgusting, reminded me of 30 melted orange frozen push know, the ones you eat in summer in those plastic tubes?) Ick. Glad I'm past that!

2. Baby boy is still measuring about 8-10 days big for the due date. Official due date is still January 20, 2011, but every ultrasound besides the first has said January 12, 2011, but the doctor can't change it unless there is a difference of +/- 10 days, so it has to stay the 20th. She has told us numerous times that obviously the baby will come when he is ready, but for us to mentally prepare for the 12th or around there.

3. At the last appt., he was measuring over the 99th percentile for length (our doctor and the nurses love when we come in b/c they love measuring his leg bone and giggling about how tall he is). He is still measuring in the 94th percentile for weight, so basically, a big, long baby.

4. We got to tour the maternity ward of the hospital where we will deliver in January last weekend! It was an exciting/overwhelming tour...just realizing it was so close and that WE would be there soon enough and also reliving one of my nephew's births that I got to be there for made me a little weak in the knees! No fainting, just overwhelming with emotion and anticipation I guess. Mix in pregnancy hormones and there you go!

Funny story...At our last appointment about 3 weeks ago, our doctor measured my belly (she calls the baby the 12-pounder because Matt was so large at birth)...and then she was trying to get his heart rate. She had the hb monitor on the right side of my belly (because she felt his little feet on that side) and said "he's hiding from us" and I said..."try measuring on the left side, all the way over here. She said "No, he wouldn't be that big yet, usually the side the feet are, they are at this stage". She moved the monitor to that side and sure enough, there it was :) She was just amazed at how long his legs and body must be to take up my entire belly like that already. Our little (big) boy. :)

I feel his kicks, flips, turns, jabs, hiccups all the time. Matt loves watching my belly move and also feel it all the time. Colby seems to kick a ton, then as soon as matt comes over and puts his hand on my belly, he stops! Matt always says "hey little bugger, stop that!" and he will kick. If Matt or I, usually, tap my belly with my finger hard, he will kick back when he's awake and responding. Almost every morning at 4:00 am, I wake up to the little one's kicks and turns in my belly. :) I love to just lay there awake with my hand on my side and feel him for a little before I go back to sleep!

I'm feeling great, my carpal tunnel has subsided somewhat, thanks to the braces and probably fluid retention getting less and less (it's supposed to be the opposite but whatever, I will take it!). I'm waddling more and more, but have no problem telling people to pass me when I'm walking too slow--another great thing about the pregnancy is that it's making me very blunt and I have no problem telling people how it is anymore (especially when I'm in DC) :)

Well, those are the updates for now, just enjoying a long weekend here in VA...working on the baby book, some Christmas presents (yes, we are all done shopping and wrapping!)...and spending time with the dogs until Matt gets home from work!

Until next time,

Bre and the belly.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Baby Nursery! (and more belly shots)

We decided to include a bunch of pictures from our putting Colby's nursery together - we have a bunch that we've taken!

I'm 28 weeks (in the 3rd trimester!) Have less than 3 months to go! Can't believe this is flying by!


Big Bro Humphrey and Big Sis Mocha

Mommy (Bre) made these for Colby!

Painted this too to match his bedding

Daddy (Matt) did such a good job painting and putting the furniture together! There's a nice glider under the whale picture to come!

Some sweet lovey letters Matt wrote to Bre for their 1st wedding anniversary!

Pics at 27 weeks...13 weeks left as of this pic - baby is measuring 15 inches, 3-4 lbs already!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

What's in a name?

Well, most of our family and friends know the name we have chosen for our baby boy set to "debut" in January, so we thought we'd formally announce it now, too!

Our little baby boy will be named...

Colby James Bogert

We have been talking to him and calling him that since August when we found out he was a boy! When we say "Colby James" in a funny voice, and he's in one of his "mobile" moods and moving around, he kicks cute!

We both loved the name Colby, it is very different, easy to say and spell, and not run-of-the-mill. The middle name James was my late father's first name, and also his dad's name (my grandfather). My sister and brother's boys both have elements of my father's name too (Middle and Last). So now, it will be complete, his whole name between the three boys!

We can't wait until the winter to meet Colby!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hiccups in my belly? :) that I can fully feel the little dude in my belly wiggle and flip and kick up a storm, I've noticed these rhythmic twitches every couple of days for about 20 minutes...sure enough, HICCUPS!

Our last ultrasound a week ago, the sonographer was trying to get the baby to sit still to get his heartbeat (145 by the way - perfect!) but he was twitching all around. She turned the screen towards Matt and I and started giggling and said..."Oh he has the hiccups!". It was so cute, seeing him hiccup on the screen. I could feel it and see my belly move every second, so now I'm quite sure what it feels like! We had to wait through his hiccups for about 10 minutes so she could get the heart rate once it stopped...hehe. He's difficult like his mommy.

This morning I was waiting for my alarm to go off for work, and laying still on my side on the bed (Humphrey the dog usually hangs out with me after Matt leaves for work). He had his head resting on my belly while I was trying to muster the energy to get up in the rain...and there he went - Baby boy started to get the hiccups! Humphrey must have felt it because he leapt up off the bed and let out a tiny yelp...saying " what the heck was that that moved?". So cute! Now if only "daddy" could feel them! He's never here when he gets them!

"Umm...what was that that moved?" - Humphrey Bogert
Needless to say, the litte baby in my belly gets these hiccups for about 20 minutes every couple of days, the doctor said he will probably get the hiccups often as a baby, as the pattern usually continues. She also said besides being cute and harmless, it means the baby is learning to swallow the fluid and also it means development is going REALLY well in there!

So amazing :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

24 Weeks (In the 6th month!!)

Hi all! I can't believe I am 24 weeks already! Only roughly 16 weeks remaining! Only a couple more weeks and I am in the 3rd trimester...time really does fly!

This month's appointments went well! Baby boy is measuring long and big for his age (they are not surprised, again, as large babies run in the family genes). The sonographer actually showed off the image of the baby's femur (the leg bone they measure to determine height and weight in ultrasounds) and they all said "wow, we've never seen one this long before!" - but then they all looked over at Matt and said "ohhh that explains it" :) Here is our 24 week update!

How far along: 24 weeks (almost 6 full months)

Symptoms: Heartburn!
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes. In them all the time. They are so comfortable!

Stretch Marks: some above the belly button. Cream can only do so much.

Sleep: Sleeping well, tingly hands all night, but that's part of carpal tunnel!

Best Moment Last Week: Watching Matt's face when he saw the kick for the first time in my belly, and also when he felt it!
Movement: Seems like all the time now. I can feel him flipping around and punching/kicking when he moves! :)

Food Cravings: Milk, still. And broccoli.

What I miss: Being able to walk normally. I definitely started to have to adjust my posture and start the "pregnancy waddle". :)

What am I looking forward to: Heading to NY for our first baby shower (Matt's side of the family) in less than 2 weeks! Looking forward to slowing down a little bit up there, I've been insanely busy! Also, camping this weekend with some good friends and our dogs - it's about 2 miles from our place, I might not handle sleeping on the ground so well at this point, but I can drive home no problem if that becomes a problem :)

Milestones: Feeling movement different than tiny kicks, now full-blown body turning around! Also being able to share that with "daddy".

How is Daddy? :Excited! He has never been so smily after feeling the baby kick for the first time. Excited to go see family soon!

Until next post ---


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Belly Pic

Because I've gotten about 20 requests via this blog, email, texts and facebook...I figured we would finally give in and post one.

Here is my belly at 22/23 weeks (5/ 5.5 months) (about 17 weeks left to go)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Apple Butter time!

Two years ago, we made a bunch of jars of our own apple butter from store-bought apples, but this year we went one step further and went and picked them first.

On our anniversary weekend, the weather was just so nice and in the pre-fall 70's...we had to be outside! We went to a local orchard for their opening weekend and picked 1/2 bushel (2 pecks) of Jonathan and Honey-Crisp apples...yum!

Here is our apple butter recipe

Step 1 - Pick the apples (either in an orchard, or from a store). Keep in mind you want apples that are good for baking and not apples that are good for only eating. Granny Smiths are good for baking but are not good for making butters. You want sweet and semi-tart, but not overly tart. There are plenty of websites you can see for recommendations. We chose to pick Jonathans (an old apple variety, sweet and semi-tart) and Honeycrisp - sweet and semi-tart, very juicy. When making apple butter, it's generally best to pick several different types of apples and combine them for best flavor.

Step 2 - Wash the apples. We filled our sink with a tiny amount of soap and warm water, and scrubbed and rinsed them. (We used about 2.5 dozen good-sized apples for our recipe)

Step 3- Peel and chop apples into about 1-inch segments.

Step 4-Put the apples in a large pot with about 3 cups or so of apple juice or water (we use apple juice - tastes much better). Set your stovetop to low-med heat (don't boil) to soften the apples. Stir them occationally in the juice. When they are able to be mashed with a potato masher, do just that. Mash them in the liquid and turn the heat off.

Step 5 - Use a stick blender (or a food processor or potato masher or handheld beaters) to make it into the consistency of applesauce. If you want applesauce, stop at this step. Depending on the apples you use, you don't need to add sugar, it should be sweet enough. If you want apple butter, continue...

Step 6-Transfer the applesauce to a crock pot set to low heat. We use the large crock pot (7 qt.).

Step 7-Add the spices. Add: 2 tbs. Cinnamon; 1 tsp ground cloves; 1/2 tsp allspice; 1/4 tsp nutmeg; and 3 cups of white sugar. Mix well and leave it be! (we stir occasionally)

Step 8-Cook apple butter on low for about 8-9 hours, until it darkens and is the consistency you want. If it is too thick, add apple juice, if it is too thin, take the lid off the crock pot and let more water evaporate. We leave the lid on crooked anyway so that it does not get too thin.

Step 9 - Get ready to can (if you are canning). Sanitize jars in your dishwasher under heated rinse and heated dry, make sure they are still hot when you fill them. Heat the crock pot to high so that the butter boils. Heat a large pot of boiling water (so that one inch of water will cover the jars when placed inside). Boil the lids and sealing rings from the Ball jars in a small pot of boiling water and use tongs or a magnetic lid-lifter to remove them.

Step 10. Fill the dry hot jars. Use a canning funnel to fill them to 1/4 from the top of the jar (this is important "headspace" for apple butter. Make sure it is 1/4 inch, no more no less. When the jar is filled, clean the top of the jar if any butter got on it, place a cleaned lid onto it and tighten the ring. Continue for remaining jars.

Step 11 - Put several jars into the boiling water using a jar tong and let then sit in there for 5 minutes (if below 1,000 ft. altitude). Remove them after 5 minutes with tongs, blot dry the lids and let them sit, not touching anything. Repeat with other jars. Let the jars sit overnight and then store them! You will hear a small "pop" noise as they cool, meaning that little thing on the lid that makes the clicking noise has sealed. If one of them does not seal, put it in the fridge and use it as you would if it were opened.
Finished and cooled 16 oz (Pint) Ball canning Mason Jars.
Our recipe made 8 of them, plus one half-full to put in the fridge
(jar funnel, lid-lifter magnet, spatula for bubbles, and silicone jar-lifter)
(we got our kit at Ace Hardware for 9.99)

Step 12-Enjoy. We dip our apple slices INTO apple butter, some people like to put it on biscuits or English muffins!

Step 13 - Oh yeah. Give an apple slice to your doggies if you have them. Ours were so patient smelling the apple butter all day and staying out of the kitchen!

-The Bogerts

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy 1st Anniversary to us!

Today we celebrate our 1st Wedding Anniversary!

We have been having a great weekend, went apple picking yesterday and making apple butter smells amazing inside our place!

We exchanged our gifts, and Matt made the sweetest things. He made us two frames - one with dog pictures I love of Humphrey and Mocha - and one with some wedding shots - SO SWEET! He also bought me gorgeous flowers and made me three "messages in bottles" with handwritten notes. I am so blessed with such a sweet husband.

I gave him two photos blown up from our honeymoon in Montana and Colorado, a Willow Tree anniversary figurine, and a recordable book for babies that we can take turns recording for our little baby boy coming in just 4 months!

I also made him a dvd short video for an anniversary gift (below)

What a great great great day!!! Many more anniversaries to come...
