Thursday, November 11, 2010

30 weeks! 10 weeks to go...

Hi everyone! I can't believe that we are 10 weeks away (roughly) from meeting our son! I rememher how quickly the first 10 weeks flew by, I can only imagine how fast these last ones will go, especially with My birthday (Nov 16!) Thanksgiving, Our baby shower, Christmas, and New Years coming up, this season will fly by!

Hmmm...things to update.

1. No gestational diabetes. Had my glucose tolerance test at 27 weeks, numbers were fine, no gestational diabetes (that drink was disgusting, reminded me of 30 melted orange frozen push know, the ones you eat in summer in those plastic tubes?) Ick. Glad I'm past that!

2. Baby boy is still measuring about 8-10 days big for the due date. Official due date is still January 20, 2011, but every ultrasound besides the first has said January 12, 2011, but the doctor can't change it unless there is a difference of +/- 10 days, so it has to stay the 20th. She has told us numerous times that obviously the baby will come when he is ready, but for us to mentally prepare for the 12th or around there.

3. At the last appt., he was measuring over the 99th percentile for length (our doctor and the nurses love when we come in b/c they love measuring his leg bone and giggling about how tall he is). He is still measuring in the 94th percentile for weight, so basically, a big, long baby.

4. We got to tour the maternity ward of the hospital where we will deliver in January last weekend! It was an exciting/overwhelming tour...just realizing it was so close and that WE would be there soon enough and also reliving one of my nephew's births that I got to be there for made me a little weak in the knees! No fainting, just overwhelming with emotion and anticipation I guess. Mix in pregnancy hormones and there you go!

Funny story...At our last appointment about 3 weeks ago, our doctor measured my belly (she calls the baby the 12-pounder because Matt was so large at birth)...and then she was trying to get his heart rate. She had the hb monitor on the right side of my belly (because she felt his little feet on that side) and said "he's hiding from us" and I said..."try measuring on the left side, all the way over here. She said "No, he wouldn't be that big yet, usually the side the feet are, they are at this stage". She moved the monitor to that side and sure enough, there it was :) She was just amazed at how long his legs and body must be to take up my entire belly like that already. Our little (big) boy. :)

I feel his kicks, flips, turns, jabs, hiccups all the time. Matt loves watching my belly move and also feel it all the time. Colby seems to kick a ton, then as soon as matt comes over and puts his hand on my belly, he stops! Matt always says "hey little bugger, stop that!" and he will kick. If Matt or I, usually, tap my belly with my finger hard, he will kick back when he's awake and responding. Almost every morning at 4:00 am, I wake up to the little one's kicks and turns in my belly. :) I love to just lay there awake with my hand on my side and feel him for a little before I go back to sleep!

I'm feeling great, my carpal tunnel has subsided somewhat, thanks to the braces and probably fluid retention getting less and less (it's supposed to be the opposite but whatever, I will take it!). I'm waddling more and more, but have no problem telling people to pass me when I'm walking too slow--another great thing about the pregnancy is that it's making me very blunt and I have no problem telling people how it is anymore (especially when I'm in DC) :)

Well, those are the updates for now, just enjoying a long weekend here in VA...working on the baby book, some Christmas presents (yes, we are all done shopping and wrapping!)...and spending time with the dogs until Matt gets home from work!

Until next time,

Bre and the belly.

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