Monday, September 27, 2010

24 Weeks (In the 6th month!!)

Hi all! I can't believe I am 24 weeks already! Only roughly 16 weeks remaining! Only a couple more weeks and I am in the 3rd trimester...time really does fly!

This month's appointments went well! Baby boy is measuring long and big for his age (they are not surprised, again, as large babies run in the family genes). The sonographer actually showed off the image of the baby's femur (the leg bone they measure to determine height and weight in ultrasounds) and they all said "wow, we've never seen one this long before!" - but then they all looked over at Matt and said "ohhh that explains it" :) Here is our 24 week update!

How far along: 24 weeks (almost 6 full months)

Symptoms: Heartburn!
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes. In them all the time. They are so comfortable!

Stretch Marks: some above the belly button. Cream can only do so much.

Sleep: Sleeping well, tingly hands all night, but that's part of carpal tunnel!

Best Moment Last Week: Watching Matt's face when he saw the kick for the first time in my belly, and also when he felt it!
Movement: Seems like all the time now. I can feel him flipping around and punching/kicking when he moves! :)

Food Cravings: Milk, still. And broccoli.

What I miss: Being able to walk normally. I definitely started to have to adjust my posture and start the "pregnancy waddle". :)

What am I looking forward to: Heading to NY for our first baby shower (Matt's side of the family) in less than 2 weeks! Looking forward to slowing down a little bit up there, I've been insanely busy! Also, camping this weekend with some good friends and our dogs - it's about 2 miles from our place, I might not handle sleeping on the ground so well at this point, but I can drive home no problem if that becomes a problem :)

Milestones: Feeling movement different than tiny kicks, now full-blown body turning around! Also being able to share that with "daddy".

How is Daddy? :Excited! He has never been so smily after feeling the baby kick for the first time. Excited to go see family soon!

Until next post ---


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