Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My first Blog!


Lately I've been contemplating the thought of starting a blog...not sure why...but I feel like I have so many peculiarities (hence the blog name) in my life and this probably is the best way to share them.
Between planning a budget-friendly wedding and honeymoon (7 months away!), being a relatively new puppy-owner with my fiance, working in the political realm that is D.C., and ultimately being a thrifty "free-cycler" and free-things-to-do-on-weekends adventurer...I might have alot to offer. Plus, as time goes on, I realize this will be an easy way for people to catch up on the goings-on our lives! I guess I'll start by writing later and try to help anyone out there planning a "Frugal Festivus"--what we've nicknamed our Shabby Chic wedding-to-be this coming September...Until then!



  1. This looks great baby. It will be great to show everyone the cool things we do in Montana, and the trip there and back. Love you, love Matt.

  2. Good job Mocha! You are such a smart puppy.
