Thursday, April 21, 2011

3 months!

On April 19, Colby turned 3 months old! Time has flown!

Stats: Colby weighs about 16lbs and is about 26 inches long. He is wearing 6-9 month clothes!

New things:

Colby now sleeps through the night 7 or 8 hours! It is amazing. Our favorite time of day is when he is awake but not yet REALLY awake and we can go in and look into his crib and he just starts smiling. It has become a routine to tickle his belly in his crib and watch him smile for a minute or two and then pull him out to change his diaper and give him "breakfast"!

Still loves tummy time. He still likes to do it on the boppy pillow but also loves his play mat. He kicks so much - I think we have a soccer player on our hands!

When he is in the boppy after daddy gives him a bottle, he does a back bend and curls himself over it (so funny!) (see picture below!)

He smiles. ALL THE TIME. Certain words and voices are certain to give him smiles, but he smiles at the dogs, when daddy or mommy laughs, when he hears music he likes, or when his mobile projector turns on in his crib. There are naps during the day when we put him down and he doesn't nap - he just giggles and coos and smiles at his mobile. What a great baby!

Drools. Colby drools all the time. He is learning to sit up with support so he has trouble keeping his mouth shut, haha. Break out the bibs!

Loves the water. He loves his baths (always has) but now wants to stay in splashing longer after he is clean. Usually we let him splash in there with his toys until he...err...goes potty. Matt calls it the "water fountain". Usually after about 15 mins in the bath, he pees and we have to pull him out hehe. WE have all the gear ready for the pool, we just can't wait until May when it is open! He is going to love it!

We just found out my sister is having a girl in August, so Colby will have a little girl cousin 7 months apart! YAY!

Loves car rides. Colby loves to have the windows down and feel the air on his face when we drive around.

Loves being outside of the car seat in stores. WE took him around Babies R us the other day and Matt held him and he was smiling over and over. He loved it.

Loves blankies with satin. He has two blankie buddies with satin edging and he loves to put them in his mouth and nap with them!

Loves his bumbo seat (pics to come soon!)

We also took him to Quantico Cemetery for a very special day and we visited my father's grave. It was very sweet and special for him to visit his grandpa's grave. Matt and I were very touched. Can't wait to tell him stories of grandpa Jim!

Here are some photos!

90 degrees! Loved his "baby pool"

All the cool kids do back bends over the boppy pillow


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