He is so amazing. Besides the fact that right off the bat he was an excellent eater, he is a great sleeper too! Most of the nights so far, he has gone 4 hours (sometimes 3) in between feedings. We have been very careful trying to keep him on a schedule so that he can start to understand "days" are different than "nights". Days are for naps, playing, book reading, tummy time and nursing every 2-3 hours. Nights are for sleeping, and eating every 3-4 hours. I (Bre) usually nurse him at 9:45-10:30 and then he goes down for the night. He usually wakes up around 1:30 and 5:30 to nurse - and the nice part is at 5:30 Matt is up for work already, so he gets to change him and give him a cuddle. Then we usually get up for the day for good around 8:00/9:00ish. All in all, a very good schedule so far!
He is sleeping in his basinette at night and his crib or swing for naps during the day. When he reaches 15 lbs (he is 11 lbs now), he will be in the crib full time. It is much easier to breastfeed when he is in the basinette in the room than if I had to go get him up out of the crib (one of the only things that really hurts still from the c-section is bending into the crib).
Things Colby loves:
His soother thing in his crib (that lights up and plays music)
Mommy singing "You are my sunshine", "Sweet Baby James" (by james taylor), or "Skiddamarinkydinkydink"
Daddy singing Jimmy Buffett songs or "Toes" by Zac Brown
The dogs
Anything that lights up or rattles
Mom's Milk
Being rubbed on the back
Mom's Milk
Being rubbed on the back
Warm blankets
NOT being swaddled, haha.
Walking in the baby carrier or stroller
Car rides
Watching people when they hold me
Mobiles in his swing
Sucking on his fingers/hands (he will be a good self-soother)
Sitting in the boppy pillow
22 inches
New things he does:
His startle reflex is hysterical. Everytime he is sleeping and gets startled or we go to pick him up, his arms shoot up above his head (Bre says it's his conducting an orchestra reflex)
When he is being held up and down a certain way, he makes a noise like a coffeepot brewing. We call it his coffeepot noise :)
His startle reflex is hysterical. Everytime he is sleeping and gets startled or we go to pick him up, his arms shoot up above his head (Bre says it's his conducting an orchestra reflex)
When he is being held up and down a certain way, he makes a noise like a coffeepot brewing. We call it his coffeepot noise :)
Grunts. Colby Grunts all the time in his sleep after a big meal, especially after his 5:30 feeding. Apparently most babies do this around his age, their way of vocalizing that he is expelling gas. Usually followed by a pretty gross diaper or two (conveniently after Matt leaves for work, in fact, it usually is about 10 minutes following the diaper change matt does before handing him over to Mom).
Screams about 2 times in his sleep - then takes a big poop (an audible one). He does this during about one nap a day.

Smiles. He smiles and his little dimples come out! I love them! He mimics us sometimes when we smile at him.
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