Monday, January 31, 2011

Quick Update - the Labor/Delivery story!

Hi all!

Everyone is asking for the story of Colby's birthday - well here goes. We had scheduled a C-section for his due date, January 20th, 2011 due to his size and the risk of shoulder dystocia and prepared for it!

On January 19th, 2011 (I should add that Jan 19 is a full moon!) at 3:00 a.m., I started having weird pains (I thought it was gas haha) in bed and they were coming every 15 minutes. I was able to sleep through most of them and at 5:30 when Matt's alarm went off for work, I said..."Honey, keep your phone close to you, I'm having weird pains". Matt took the dogs out, got ready for work, I decided to get up and waddle to the bathroom to brush my teeth and start my work day. After the trip to the bathroom, I knew the "pains" I was feeling were contractions. We scheduled a doctor's visit for 8:30 when they opened because my OB wanted to see if it was just the false contractions or real ones...

Contracting on the couch before the Drs office opened! The dogs know what's up!

Well, Matt and I had a feeling Colby would be picking his bday and not us, so he packed the car, we got the dogs ready to be picked up by family...

Matt - all ready for the O.R.
And at 8:30, the doctor did her check of me, and said "Oh, yup, you're 3 cm dilated alread, you are definitely in labor...we need to get you to the hospital and have the baby!". So, at 10:00 am, we were admitted to the hospital, and met the on-call doctor. He was great. My contractions were about 5 mins apart at this point, and turns out it was "back labor" due to the baby's position in my uterus, the pain was being localized in my lower back. AND IT HURT! A LOT! The contraction meter said that they were very strong, and getting closer together, so after the doctor checked me (about 4cm dilated) baby's position had moved UP (probably due to his size and my pelvis). So, they prepped me for the c-section (our doctor after the check said that his position and my strong contractions would probably only yield a 30% chance of "regular" delivery, so we went ahead with the c-section. At 1:00, I was given my spinal epidural in my back (that was fun to do between contractions!) - then Matt was allowed into the O.R., and well, Colby came into the world!
The booties did not fit over his size 18 shoes, so they had him use 2 hairnets on each shoe instead. Best icebreaker ever before going in for surgery :)

At 1:12 pm, Colby James Bogert came into the world! He came out screaming crying and sucking on his hands!! The doctors said "woah he's a big boy!" and we heard all of the docs and helpers guessing his size. I said 9lbs 8oz and he was 9lbs 7oz, 21 inches, head 14.6 inches around. I can remember the nurse weighing him say "Yeah, this wasn't coming out the other way...maybe as a 3rd or 4th kid" haha :) He was a big healthy boy! After 3 days recovering in the hospital, we all came home on January 22nd! More pics to come!!

Mommy meets her little punkin for the first time!

The Bogert family.

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