Sunday, August 29, 2010

Baby Boy Bogert measuring big, due date moved up...halfway done!

So, Baby Bogert is measuring in the 77th percentile (no surprise given who dad is) and is also measuring about 4 days ahead of schedule. So the official due date is still 1/20/11, but the last ultrasound showed that January 16th is more practical.

They don't change the official due date unless it varies by 9 days or more, and since this is only 4 days, it will not change on my charts. However, doc said that that just means we prepare mentally for 1/16/11 and be aware that it might be around then give or take some days.

Also, we discussed baby's birth size and what she said was pretty interesting. Babies generally follow Mom's birth size, but take into account dad's birth size, just in a smaller percentage. She plugged my birth weight (7lbs 8 ounces) and Matt's birth size (11lbs 1 oz. - but she had to scale his down to what he would have been had be not been a month late - so, 9.5 lb.), and did all these crazy calculations, added 1/2 lb. for it being a boy...and said that I am looking around a 9 pounder. We will see in a couple of months, won't we?!

She also said that our one ultrasound picture (below) from the anatomy/gender scan  the other day was one of the best shots she has seen.

So, according to the new tentative due date, I am 20 weeks today - HALFWAY DONE! 140 days done, and 140 to go!

We have been busy with washing baby clothes so I can put them into the dresser/changing table (big shout out to my great friend Meg for helping remove tags and put clothes into piles! It was fun saying "awwww" over and over again with her!) Matt's been busy painting the baby's room so that we can finally start it as a nursery and not a room filled with baby stuff all over! (Pictures to come soon enough!) I'm up to my ears in craft ideas now that I know it's a boy!

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