Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Homemade Wedding Cupcake Stand

How we made our Wedding Cupcake Stand

Since we are serving cupcakes at our wedding, and also have an 8'' cake for us to cut on top, we needed to find a cake stand to fit all these. Not so much, as the ones we found were too expensive (over 200.00) and our cakemaker only rented theirs out (again an unnecessary cost)...So, we decided to go to Michaels and Home Depot and create our own.

For a 5 tier cupcake stand (holds approx. 100 cupcakes and a 6-8'' cake on top) you will need:

1. 4 cans of food of approx. same height and different widths (biggest to smallest from top to bottom). We used an empty Gatorade tin filled with sand for the bottom one--worked great!) = $0.00 (in our pantry)

2. Spray paint for cans (or wrap with wrapping paper or ribbon to go with your wedding colors)= $4.00

3. White paint for the base wood (I recommend gloss paint if you're expecting to wipe it after)=$3.50

4. Round "pre-cut" base wood from Home depot (in their ready-to-assemble table section in lumber)=$15.00

5. 4 White Plastic Scalloped edge Separator Plates (we got ours at Michaels in the cake decorating aisle -by Wilton-, you need: a 16'' one, 14'' one, 12'' one and a 10'' one)= 9.99, 7.99, 5.99, and 3.99 respectively: total: $23.00 with Michaels 20% coupon!

6. A strong glue--we used Gorilla Glue= $4.00

Total cost: $49.50

Directions:1-Spray paint or decorate your tin cans
2-Paint Base wood
3- Apply Gorilla Glue to bottom of biggest can, attach to center of wood base
4-Apple Gorilla glue to top of biggest can, attach the 16'' separator plate
5- Apply Gorilla Glue to top 16'' separator plate, attach next can, apply glue, then the 14'' separator plate...and so on.
6-After all the cans are glued, you have yourself a 5-tiered beautiful cupcake/dessert stand!

You can use something other than glue, you can leave it up to chance and not attach it, either way--you saved a bunch of money!

This Post has had a lot of hits, so we decided to post an "After" Picture of our homemade cupcake stand from our wedding day on 9-12-09!


  1. Hello! Can you please tell me what the dimensions are of the wooden base?

  2. The bottom piece we bought at Home Depot or Lowes in the pre-made tabletop part - it was about a 40-inch round table top.

  3. did you empty the can of food or were they empty?

  4. Thanks for the crafty AFFORDABLE idea... I'm going to only make mine a 2 tier for a little girls birthday. :)

  5. That sounds awesome! The way we made it is so we can adjust it for other events...I used this one in 2 tiers for my husband Matt's 30th...very versatile! :)

  6. The cans were filled still/are filled. In the bottom (biggest one) was a gatorade powder container, we emptied it, cleaned it, and filled it with sand.
