Well, this weekend was a busy one. We met the caterer and decided on a wedding menu, I played in a bball game, countless dog park visits, and finally we took the dog to Annapolis to Quiet Waters Park to the dog beach and also the huge dog park they have, but by the time we got to the dog park, she was pretty pooped. I recommend Quiet Waters to anyone in the VA/MD area, there are tons of walking trails, pavillions, picnic areas and the whole park is dog friendly. We kept saying how the park was for dogs, but people were welcome too.
We went with a bunch of other dog friends and met a group of new "local" swimming dogs there too. It was the first time we had Mocha off the leash and she was perfect. Didn't go far, and knew her limits--she always looked to make sure she had us in her sights.
(Mocha with the question-mark tail)

The second we arrived, Mocha spotted a Black Lab swimming (Bre kept saying it looked just like Ben, one of her family's old dogs) and within a minute, she ran right in. She is definitely part lab! She chased sticks, driftwood, tennis balls, and the other dogs. It was really fun. There was a point where she literally ran up the beach, pivoted, ran back, pivoted, ran back with a trail of dogs chasing her (she is definitely speedy!). 

On our way home, she barely made it to the car before she passed out. She fell asleep with her face smushed between Bre's leg and the shifting console. She cracks us up every day. 

Here's a video for you:
Until the next blog--have a good day
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