Stats: Weight: 17lbs / Height: 28-29 inches
Time has really flown! Matt enjoyed his first Father's day! Colby "made" him a coffee mug with photos on it and a book from shutterfly. Matt loved it! We took matt to a father's day car show in Warrenton, VA and Colby and daddy loved walking around looking at the colors and cool cars!
New things Colby does:
-Colby loves his cereal! He wolfs down a bowl of it at every night meal! Soon, we will start him on some 1st foods :) We have been making our own baby food too -- so soon enough! Our ped. wants us to wait until 6 months, but we are going to start sooner. He eats 5 times a day and gets one small bowl of rice cereal too! He sleeps from 8:30-8:00 (AMAZING!), I feed him at 8, 11, 2, 5, and 8 and then he's out for the night! He gets about 2.5 oz of Bmilk mixed with about 4 (yes, FOUR) tbs. of rice cereal at night. Colby does NOT like it "soupy" - he likes his cereal like I try to avoid when making oatmeal, nice and thick and like glue. (To each his own :) Whatever the little boy wants... hehe.
-Loves his doorway jumper. He jumps up and down for almost a full 20 minutes when he gets to go in it each afternoon. It also tires him out for his last nap of the day!
-He is napping 3 times a day right now, eventually we will get it down to 2. But for now this works! (He flips to his belly every time we put him to sleep, so after flipping him 9,000 times, he is now a belly sleeper during naps sometimes)
-He loves to pet his doggies. Mocha is so interested in him and Humphrey is sort of, but Colby seems to care the most for Humphrey. He is always reaching for his ears and grasping them in his teeny hands.
- Loves the pool! I think he wonders where his bath toys are and why he's not naked when he's in the pool, though :)
-Loves watching Baby Einstein or Sesame Street in his bumbo chair. Every night, if mommy needs to fold laundry or daddy is trying to do the dishes, we put his little bumbo seat right on the floor near the tv, attach the little tray, put some toys on it and stick on either thing on TV and we have 15 mins of "free" time! He loves the colors and the songs. I don't know what it is about Elmo, but he always laughs when he sings -- what is it about that red guy?
-Now, he can make the "pffft" noise with his tongue (and blow his baby cereal all over the place!) and laughs when we do it to him. He has discovered his tongue for sure!
-FOUND HIS FEET! They are always in his mouth, his hands, or sticking straight up in the air! We have caught him asleep a couple times with them in the air.
He is such a happy baby! We are so blessed!