Well, last week my amazing husband, Matt finished a project he had been planning to make - a raised dog feeder that could serve two dogs of similar height - so here it is!
Now they both can eat and drink from the same stand and it is much healthier for them to eat this way. After he assembled the pieces, I opted not to stain the piece with polyeurethane or stain because that can chip, and still mold with water if it seeps in. Instead, we chose to coat it with several coats of Butcher Block/Salad bowl finish which seeps into the wood and makes it impossible for mold to appear.
It also creates a food-safe surface and has been ok'd by the FDA to eat from. (This Butcher block finish is also used for kids toys such as puzzles, blocks, etc. because they put them in their mouths so much) It is virtually unscented and to clean up the surface of the table, all you need is a little soapy water or white vinegar.
Every month or so, it's also good to rub on a little mineral oil, much like you do to a butcher block to maintain it!
They love it!
Also, Matt's waiting on a special tool that will help him with the circular holes for the bowls, and .... We will begin to sell them on etsy.com in different sizes and small ones for kitties too! :) Look for them in the next coming months!!! He is so talented - thanks Matt!